Choice Of Interpreters is proud to deploy only interpreters who are Active Members in good standing of the Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters (CASLI).

Choice Of Interpreters is an Alberta company dedicated to sending out only the most qualified sign language interpreters; interpreters that possess a breadth of experience and knowledge, and who approach their practice with the CASLI Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Professional Conduct in mind.*(

Here at Choice Of Interpreters, we believe strongly in a collective model of offering top quality professional sign language interpreters. If you are in need of a professional sign language interpreter for your appointment, for: legal, medical, mental health, business meeting, support meeting, group meeting, workshop, life event, etc., we would be happy to provide interpreting services for you. Requests for an interpreter can be made by contacting:

Looking forward to working with you, and having you join us on our 'paying it forward' journey!